Soul searcher from May 18, 2018

May 19, 2018, 01:50 AM

Chuck Edwards - "Downtown Soulville" - 45 Music behind DJ: The Skylighters - "Look a Here" - 45

The Royal Jokers - "I Don't Like You That Much" - 45 The Rays - "Zimba Lulu" - 45 Bobby Brookes - "Little Girl (Is It True)" - Teenagers Dance to Bobby Brookes Willie Johnson - "Say Baby" - 45 Music behind DJ: Johnnie Pate - "Muskeeta" - 45

Brook Benton - "Come On Back" - 45 Patty & the Emblems - "You Took Advantage of a Good Thing" - 45 The Escorts - "The Hurt" - 45 The Singers - "Just a Little Further" - 45 Lee Rogers - "You're the Cream of the Crop" - 45 Music behind DJ: Johnny Brown - "Stump Oil" - 45

Sharon Smith - "I'm Waiting" - 45 Les Watson & the Panthers - "Oh Yeah" - 45 The Winstons - "Ain't Nothing Like a Little Lovin'" - 45 Major Lance - "Sweet Music" - 45 The Monitors - "Say You" - 45 Music behind DJ: San Juan Trio - "Casa Contenta" - 45

Lee Stone - "I'm Gonna Put You Down" - 45 Ann Heywood - "Crook His Little Finger" - 45 The Showmen - "You're Everything" - 45 Laura Lee - "To Win Your Heart" - 45 The Versatones - "With a Broken Heart" - 45 Eddy Hughes - "Soul Searcher" - 45 Music behind DJ: Gus Jinkins - "Tricky" - 45