
May 18, 2018, 04:14 PM

Episode image

Hydrophone shrimp recording, Sri Lanka , recorded by Stéphane Marin, reimagined by Jeff Dungfelder.

"For my track “Saltus” I used a hydrophone field recording of shrimp in Kogalla Lake (Sri Lanka). The recorded sounds (which sound similar to electronically produced micro sounds) actually come from the shrimp when they generate a low pressure cavitation bubble that bursts (tiny jets of water containing bubbles that implode from pressure).

"It reminded me of the voltage of an alternating current and the variations of sound creating a break in the sequence, or “Saltus”. It is this micro-droning oscillating sound captured with the hydrophone (which converts the ultrasonic waves traveling through the water into electrical oscillations) that inspired me to use it as the foundation of “Saltus”. The project started first with importing a variety of samples and loading instruments and effects into Logic Pro X, and then selecting an Oblique Strategies card that said “Do nothing for as long as possible”.

"After several weeks of thinking passed I selected another card that read “Once the search is in progress, something will be found”. Several days of work later an underwater sound story soon developed using loop-based shifting sounds, textural nuances, swirling masses of oscillations, Indian percussion and intervals of silence. At this point I selected the 3rd Oblique Strategies card which read “Take away the elements in order of apparent non importance”. After several days of digital gardening, “Saltus” finally came to life, completing my original vision."