200 extra pupils but nowhere to put them - the Newtownabbey school running out of hope for September - @vinnybelfast visited Hazelwood Integrated College and spoke to the principal

May 09, 2018, 09:18 AM

Mission impossible - the words of seasoned Principal of Hazelwood Integrated College - Kathleen O'Hare. Before the collapse of Stormont her school was given the green light, by the then Minister, to grow in size and accept more pupils. The usual next step is, as Kathleen explained to Vinny, the need for classrooms, desks, the lot. But they have now been turned down for both temporary and long term changes. Despite that the school built for just over 700 pupils is still expected to accept more in September, swelling to over 1000. Vinny went to the school yesterday and met with Kathleen.