WMAL Interview - MARK KRIKORIAN - 03.08.18

Mar 08, 2018, 01:20 PM

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INTERVIEW - MARK KRIKORIAN -  a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues, has served as Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) – discussed the brewing legal war between the Justice Department, the legality of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf warning illegal aliens of impending ICE raids, and President Trump appealing to “Dreamers.”

•    President Trump to Latino conference: Democrats 'nowhere to be found' on DACA (ABC News) -- In remarks to the Latino Coalition Legislative Summit on Wednesday, President Donald Trump slammed Democrats for the current uncertainty over the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.  "We are trying to have a DACA victory for everybody," Trump said. "And the Democrats are nowhere to be found. They are nowhere to be found." President Trump in September of last year announced the end of the DACA program that provided legal status to nearly 700,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children but has looked to shift blame to Democrats as Congress has failed to act to extend permanent protections.  "It's really terrible," Trump said. "We are ready. The expression ready, willing, and able. They are nowhere to be found."