Leader of @uuponline, @GreenPartyNI and @TUVonline say it is time to cut MLA pay - do you agree?

Mar 07, 2018, 09:57 AM

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Is it time for MLA pay to be cut? Despite there being no working Government for more than a year MLAs here are still on a full salary. Steven Agnew leader of the Green Party, Robin Swann leader of the UUP and TUV Leader Jim Allister have told the Northern Ireland Affairs committee at Westminster that it is now time to reduce pay. In December last year the then Secretary of State James Brokenshire received advice on what a salary cut could look like, with a proposal to slash salaries by £13,612 in two stages, from £49,500 to £35,888. Vinny got the views of Bumper Graham and former MP and commentator Lembit Opik.