A DUP insider breaks ranks and briefs @StephenNolan Show on the 'draft document' - @AlexKane221b and @malodoherty react

Mar 06, 2018, 10:00 AM

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A DUP insider has broken ranks to tell the Nolan Show there was a broad agreement between the DUP and Sinn Fein on the weekend before the two Prime Ministers arrived in NI. The DUP politician told the Nolan Show the following:

Although final details had yet to be agreed, there was a broad agreement, including Irish language provisions

The DUP politician said Arlene Foster did hand over the document to Michelle O'Neill

The insider has also told the Nolan Show Nigel Dodds was in the room

We have approached the DUP to ask if Nigel Dodds was in the room - and so far there has been no response. On Sunday, the DUP blanked questions from the Nolan Show after we used precise language to ask if Arlene Foster could deny handing any piece of paper - or document - with the word 'draft ' on it. We didn't use the word 'agreement'. And then, the admission. Despite the denials from others in her party, despite the DUP assuring their electorate through Gregory Campbell that there had been no draft, Arlene Foster finally admitted last night that she had exchanged a draft document containing Irish language proposals with Sinn Fein. Stephen gets reaction from political commentators Alex Kane and Malachi O'Doherty.