WMAL Interview - MARK KRIKORIAN - 02.28.18

Feb 28, 2018, 01:34 PM

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INTERVIEW - MARK KRIKORIAN -  a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues, has served as Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) – discussed Judge Curial siding with the President on the border wall, the Koch brothers’ new pro-mass immigration campaign, and prospects for a DACA deal
•    Trump once called Judge Curiel a ‘hater,’ but jurist now sides with him in border wall ruling (LA Times) -- A federal judge in San Diego ruled Tuesday that the Trump administration did not abuse its discretion in waiving environmental laws in its rush to begin border wall projects in Southern California, an order that gives a green light to current and future barrier construction. The state of California and a coalition of environmental groups sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, arguing that the government had overstepped its bounds by using a law to avoid complying with environmental regulations for three projects: building eight border wall prototypes on Otay Mesa and replacing existing fencing in both San Diego and Calexico. The plaintiffs argued that the law the government depended on was outdated and not intended to give never-ending authority for border projects. But U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel ruled, in a 101-page order, that the law does not violate the Constitution and it gives DHS wide discretion when it comes to border security. He declined to rule on other claims that were non-Constitutional, pointing to a part of the law that precludes him from doing so unless he can find the government violated a "clear and mandatory" statutory provision. He said that an analysis found that that high burden could not be met.