WMAL Interview - GARY ALDRICH - 02.16.18

Feb 16, 2018, 04:24 PM

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INTERVIEW - GARY ALDRICH - former FBI agent and author of "Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House"
•    The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September  (NY Times) -- The F.B.I. is reviewing what steps the bureau took before the shooting when the agents received the initial information. The bureau conducted database reviews and open-source checks about the comment in September, Rob Lasky, the F.B.I. special agent in charge in Miami, said on Thursday. “There was no particular information about the particular time, location or further identifiers about the person who posted the comment,” Mr. Lasky said. “No additional information was found to positively identify the person who posted this comment. There was no connection found to South Florida.” Had agents sought a grand jury subpoena to obtain data from YouTube to identify the person behind the posting, it is not certain that prosecutors would have agreed to seek one based on the scant information available. Agents might have a hard time convincing prosecutors of an imminent threat because the post mentioned no time or location of a possible shooting. Even if agents had tied Mr. Cruz to the YouTube post, the authorities probably would have questioned him or his family and friends but would have been unable seize his gun without a court order.
•    Did the Clinton White House ever fire staffers who had domestic violence problems? Former FBI Agent Gary Aldrich: Clinton WH Retained High Level Staffer With Domestic Abuse History (Daily Caller) -- Former FBI agent Gary Aldrich recalled that a Clinton White House staffer with a history of domestic violence never resigned or was fired from his top-level post at the time. Aldrich, an agent with the bureau during the terms of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, joined SiriusXM Patriot 125 on The David Webb Show Thursday and told Kerry Picket: “You know, and as far as this current allegation goes, you, we had one fellow, I’ll never forget him, and in fact it was one of the reasons I decided to write my book was that he was working in the White House, a very sensitive high level position, and his background was that he had several marriages and he put one of his wives right into the hospital with physical abuse.”