Episode 105 - Winter Wonderland, Bitches!

Dec 08, 2017, 11:05 PM


It’s our 2nd Annual Christmas Show with guests, Santa Dan Carroll, artist Ben Boling, and one of our favorite Radios, Wendy Muller. This week we take a deep dive into the classic Christmas toys we all wanted in the 1970s and 80s. Plus: What makes a movie a “Christmas” movie and Ira presents the “Holiday Movie Theme” game.

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Wake up! Have a Banjo Cold Brew


#Christmas, #Squidbillies, #AChristmasStory, #FoxTV, #AChristmasCarol, #AlastairSim, #Scrooged, #ItsAWonderfulLife, #MiracleOn34thStreet, #DieHard, #HarryPotter, #TradingPlaces, #Gremlins, #Annie, #EyesWideShut, #BetterOffDead, #BatmanReturns, #EdwardScissorhands, #LethalWeapon, #WhenHarryMetSally, #ToyStory, ##LiteBrite, #TeddyRuxpin, #FisherPrice, #Colorforms, #Garfield, #CareBears, #CabbagePatchDolls, #GarbagePailKids, #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles, #BigWheel, #Viewmaster, #GnipGnop, #HeMan, #Madballs, #PoundPuppies, #Smurfs, #Transformers, #GIJoe, #MyLittlePony, #Nintendo, #Atari, #Pong, #Simon, #MrPotatoHead, #ConnectFour, #StarWars, #StretchArmstrong, #MagnaDoodle, #EvelKnievel, #SillyString, #Operation, #MrMouth, #TossAcross, #MouseTrap, #Twister, #InchWorm, #Crayola, #Spirograph, #ShrinkyDinks, #HungryHungryHippos, #Mattel, #Micronauts