Remember the £1billion Tory-DUP deal? The Secretary of State announced yesterday the first £50m to go to health and education

Nov 14, 2017, 09:36 AM

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£50 million from the £1 billion deal agreed between the Conservatives and the DUP will be released in this financial year. But is it too little too late? The Northern Ireland Budget Bill is to go before the House of Lords later today. The bill passed through the House of Commons yesterday, backed by all parties without a vote. Secretary of State James Brokenshire said that public services would begin to run out of money if a budget was not in place by the end of November. Mr Brokenshire also released a very small part of the billion pounds deal that the DUP struck with Theresa May five months ago. But where's the rest of the money which Northern Ireland so desperately needs? Stephen spoke to BBC NI Business and Economics editor John Campbell.