Bank of England are in a timing mess.

Nov 01, 2017, 12:24 PM

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Bank of England are in a timing mess.

Shaun Richards Economist and Founder of notayesmaneconomics talks to matt Brown about the timing situation the BoE have got themselves into. Richards believes the Bank of England didn't need to cut rates last August and this has caused problems this year. Inflation over target now means that in theory the Bank of England now have to raise rates despite other indicators not being a strong as some would expect.

Richards argues that using current indicators would suggest the case hasn't changed to argue for a rate hike over the past two years. However, Richards believes that rates should already be at 0.5%.

Richards breaks down who will vote for and against a rise at the BoE. All tolled the rate decision might be closer than the market expects.

Further Information

You can see more from Shaun on Core Finance by using this link: