Out Now Bonus: 2017 Horror Special 5 - Horror Remakes

Oct 30, 2017, 03:10 AM

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The fifth and final horror special for the month puts focus on horror remakes. Sometimes looked down upon, Aaron is joined by Brandon Peters, Jim Dietz, and Maxwell Haddad to go over the ones that stand out. Everyone brought a list of horror remakes they like, as well as some thoughts on the ones that are terrible. That in mind, the guys also discuss why these occur, what there is to take away from them and why the great ones stand out. There is a lot to enjoy here, as plenty of films from many decades are discussed, and the concept of “remake” is indeed taken to its limits, so enjoy this final horror special and be prepared for more horror fun next year (along with whatever other bonuses may come along before then).

#Horror #Remakes #Podcast #film #movies #Entertainment #horrorremakes #OutNow #frankenstein #thefly #thething #bodysnatchers #thering #nosferatu #CapeFear #EvilDead #Halloween #FrightNight #Psycho