Question Time: Infertility

Oct 23, 2017, 04:17 AM

Episode image

Madeleine Morris, Cathy Anderson, Robert Reith, Julia Leigh and Chloe Allworthy

Today, around one in six Australian couples of reproductive age are unable to conceive but their options are better now than ever. IVF technology has accelerated and become commonplace; increasing numbers of Australians are turning to international surrogacy.

State and federal governments have struggled, however, to keep apace with these changes. The growing industry around assisted reproduction is largely privatised and third-party reproduction avenues raise many ethical questions, from gender selection to the commodification of children to the rights of donor-conceived children and commercial surrogate mothers.

At this Question Time discussion, we delve into the personal, ethical and legal implications of infertility and its treatment. Tune in for a look into the big business of baby-making in Australia today, hosted by Madeleine Morris with guests Cathy Anderson (VARTA), Robert Reith (Surrogacy Australia), author and filmmaker Julia Leigh and donor-conceived student Chloe Allworthy.

See also 25 Jul 2016 Note

Works of ART: on creativity, infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology  /  Art

Guest post by Angela Savage