Episode 99 - Oh, Harvey!
We talk Bladerunner, Harvey Weinstein, Columbus Day, Rick & Morty and the McDonald's debacle, The Deuce / Curb Your Enthusiasm / The Orville / Mr. Mercedes.
PLUS: The Red Box Troll stops by, Staff Dick Picks & more!
Autumn - Big Mouth (Netflix) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BigMouth(TV_series)
Jeff - Chopped: Alton’s Challenge (Food Network) http://www.foodnetwork.com/fn-dish/shows/2017/08/chopped-altons-challenge
Steph - Mindhunter (Netflix) http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/08/01/watchthenewtrailerfordavidfinchersnetflixserialkillerseriesmindhunters.html
Tim - Lore (Amazon Prime) https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/15/16315972/lore-haunting-experience-amazon-prime-video-immersive-creep-los-angeles
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#Bladehunter, #Lore, #AmazonPrime, #RickandMorty, #McDonalds, #TheDeuce, #Chopped, #AltonBrown, #FoodNetwork, #Mindhunter, #BigMouth, #MrMercedes, #CurbYourEnthusiasm, #HBO, #Showtime, #RayDonovan, #LarryDavid, #StephenKing, #JamesFranco, #DavidSimon, #Netflix, #TheOrville, #Snakes, #WonderWoman