Sexually Transmitted Debt

Oct 09, 2017, 02:22 AM

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Leaving an abusive relationship can be fraught. But when a person has finally made the break from his or her abuser, they may still be mired in the former partner’s debt – often with little legal recourse.

Poor credit ratings, gas and electricity disconnection, loss of property and even bankruptcy – these are some of the serious side effects of economic abuse. It’s a form of family violence that is under-examined, despite its crippling long-term effects.

How can our financial institutions and justice system do better to help those impacted by economic abuse? How do we raise the profile of this common but under-reported area of covert abuse? And what precautions should all of us take when entering into new life stages and new relationships?

Join us for a frank and informative conversation with Larke Riemer – who has knowledge of the issue from both sides, through her work in the finance industry and as someone who has personally incurred ‘sexually transmitted debt’ – Donna Letchford from Women’s Legal Service Victoria, and economic abuse survivor Christine Craik. Hosted by Santilla Chingaipe.