Jeffrey Kluger: The Las Vegas Shooting and Our Age of Anger... and More Stories

Oct 05, 2017, 12:12 PM

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Included in this SpokenEdition:

1) Jeffrey Kluger: The Las Vegas Shooting and Our Age of Anger

2) Equifax Hearing Monopoly Man Speaks: 'Do the Monopoly Man a Solid and Call Your Senator'

3) How to Parent Like a Scandinavian

4) 'The Worst Feeling in the World.' A Mother's Terror During the Las Vegas Shooting

5) Spain's King Felipe VI Weighs in on Catalan Referendum

6) Sexual Assault Survivor to Betsy DeVos: Mediation Is Not a Viable Resolution

7) Hunter: I Love My Guns. I'm Getting Rid of My Semi-Automatic Battle Rifle

8) The ‘Shocking’ Law That Protects Gunmakers After Mass Shootings Like Las Vegas

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