Disciples who work and play (Wednesday Morning)

Sep 28, 2017, 03:31 PM

Episode image

When God made human beings He made us with a very specific purpose in mind. He made us “in His image” to show the world what He is like. When Jesus developed the theme with His disciples He told them that they were “the light of the world.” For too long the image has been hidden away…the light has been kept under a bowl. In this seminar we will be thinking about how our churches can become discipling communities that equip people for the whole of their real lives…not just Sundays, Monday to Saturday too…not just church, but all the places where they work and play. We’ll see how there is no such thing as ‘the Christian life’ or ‘spiritual life.’ There’s just life… ‘Life to the full’ Jesus called it…the kind of life that will draw a watching world to Him. Christoph Ebbinghaus is a disciple who works as minister of Kirkpatrick Memorial (previously as accountant with PWC) and plays at running, cycling, hiking and the like. Of late he’s taken to chopping wood, lighting camp fires and loves nothing more than a good chat around a fire with friends. He’s husband to Claire and dad to Patrick, Sophie and Ruby.