Trump Beefing With the NFL & NBA

Season 1, Episode 61,   Sep 28, 2017, 01:58 AM

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Last weekend was nuts with Trump firing shots at the NFL and the NBA. He started Friday with comments about the NFL calling players that protest "sons of bitches." Then he followed that up with tweets about Steph Curry. It's been nuts. Here's the rundown for this weeks show:

1:25 - What were your thoughts when you heard Trump say he wished NFL owners would “get that son of a bitch off field” reference to a player who would kneel while the National Anthem is being played.

23:49 - Do you stand for the anthem? How do you feel about athletes who take a knee?

46:38 - Thoughts on Ray Lewis kneeling praying.

54:00 - After seeing the protests this weekend, how close is Kaepernick to returning to the NFL?

1:05:17 - Trump vs Warriors - What were your thoughts on Trump “revoking” the invitation to the Warriors to come to the White House. Thoughts on LeBron’s response?

1:20:08 - Melo to the Thunder - How good can the Thunder be with Carmelo Anthony?

1:37:23 - Final Thoughts