#170: Katherine Power - Moving Fashion Forward

Sep 26, 2017, 02:14 PM

Episode image

As the CEO and co-founder of Who What Wear, Katherine Power took her passion for fashion from a newsletter to a multi-million dollar brand empire in just under 10 years. Who What Wear's parent company, Clique, owns and operates a handful of massively successful retail and content properties designed to accompany women at any stage of life, from college to home to the boardroom. With brands like Gucci, Target, Barney's, Urban Outfitters and more as partners, the former professional dancer turned fashion mogul is setting new trends in retail and lifestyle. On this is installment of the show, Karen breaks down successfully navigating 10+ years of digital culture, moving back into brick and mortar, and how dance shaped her life as an entrepreneur. Recorded live at www.sae.edu