Episode #232: ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ 6x20, 'Angel' 3x20 - Hell Dimension Kissing Etiquette

Sep 25, 2017, 03:14 PM

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Join ReWatchable as we discuss Buffy the Vampire season 6, episode 20, "Villains," and Angel season 3, episode 20, "A New World."

Superfans: Karen and Maj
Newbies: Kristen and Brittany

Fun Facts:

Maj is excited for hockey to be back. It's only preseason, but it's still hockey. Kristen got to leave the 1,000th Amazon review for Cora Carmack's Losing It. Brittany is sad to say that Groundhog's Day has closed on Broadway. Karen really needs to play some volleyball, but instead she's giving away five copies of Slayers & Vampires!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 20, "Villains":
-Brittany gives her impressions of "Seeing Red."
-While many were interested in seeing newbie reactions to "Seeing Red," Karen was very much anticipating "Villains."
-Did we believe Tara was actually gone?
-Willow doesn't tell anyone that Tara died, and we have a few different reasons why that could be.
-Andrew and Jonathan are still in prison, but Warren is celebrating his "victory" over the Slayer.
-Willow literally absorbing magic is an awesome effect.
-Was Willow there to save Buffy or was she hunting for the bullet to take down Warren?
-Willow takes out Robo-Warren, which was a smart attempt at a rouse, but barely slows her down.
-Buffy and Xander learn about Tara's demise.
-We have a moral dilemma regarding what Warren deserves.
-Plus a serious parallel to current Teen Wolf events.
-Buffy agrees to let Dawn stay with Spike, but instead finds a Clem.
-There are all kinds of reasons why Buffy is maybe not ready to say a permanent goodbye to Spike.
-Anya is back to her Vengeance Demon ways.
-And take a deep breath, everyone, but it's time to talk about Willow.
-This is iconic Dark Willow.
-Can Willow come back from this?
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Angel season 6, episode 20, "A New World":
-Connor is a total punk.
-Is Cordy using Groo? Do we feel bad for him?
-We are trying hard to give Connor a pass until he learns the rules of humanity, but it's hard.
-Connor has his first kiss, and then... she dies. Awkward.
-The Connor/Angel dynamic is tough.
-Did Angel give up on finding Connor too quickly?
-Worst. Shootout. Ever.
-Connor returns to Holtz after we thought he had a bonding moment with Angel. NOOOOO!
-Not our favorite episode, but there were a lot of things we needed to see to put Connor back into this world.
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Listener Feedback:
-A lot of listeners have a lot of thoughts about "Seeing Red."
-Someone sees some Connor/Renesmee parallels.
-Are Warren and Andrew more like Voldemort and his Death Eaters or Grindelwald and Dumbledore?

Brittany's Brainstorms/Kristen's Kontemplations:
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 21, "Two to Go"
-Angel season 3, episode 21, "Benediction"

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