Stanley Krippner, August 16, 2020 - Rolling Thunder, Rattlesnake Medicine, Magic

Aug 16, 2020, 03:00 PM

Episode image

“It’s a mistake to think of any group or person as an opponent, because when you do, that’s what the group or person will become to you. It’s more useful to think of every other person as another YOU – to think of every individual as a representative of the universe”- Rolling Thunder, Doug Boyd

The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder: As Experienced by Alberto Villoldo, John Perry Barlow, Larry Dossey, and Others. by Sidian Morning Star Jones  (Editor), Stanley Krippner (Editor)


On the day of the original interview we took the dogs for a walk at a local park and encountered a rattlesnake. First and only time for that in all of our dog walking excursions. There are no accidents.

*Shamanism - Rattlesnake encounter. * Show prep with a Divine assist.

Back at home, half an hour prior to the show. Gracie indicates I have a visitor. She quietly sits in front of me and looks behind her then back at me, asking - "Do you see them?"

I felt the energy shift. I sensed a presence.

RT - Connection is telepathic and direct. I hear the voiced instruction twice: "Do your homework! Do your homework!"

I knew he meant I needed to again look at the book in preparation for my interview. 

I sat down and listened. I was given page numbers. I heard number 74 and opened the book directly to it. Then it was page number 4. The book fell open at page 4.

I happened to turn to the page that said rattlesnake and coyote medicines were important. I was astounded.

Went to the station and looked up Rolling Thunder and Rattlesnake. That search pulled the Billy Jack information on consulting re the Snake Ceremony.

Post updated and continued Talkingtonightlights.wordpress

Rolling Thunder - Doug Boyd  Amazon.

Snake Totem meaning.

Magic is ever-present. Slow down and let it find you.