Famous Monsters Podcast 16: The FM Crew Exorcises Their Demons!
The Exorcist television series returns this September 29th and the FM crew can’t wait for more head twisting, pea soup action. Strap back and relax as we talk about the possession film that started it all and how it’s affected not just cinema but our lives! The power of Christ compels you to listen this one.
Hosted by Famous Monsters Production Manager Jorge Marrero aka The Jack of All Trades, Producer and Publisher Philip Kim, Media Coordinator Chase Hensley, and Production Assistant Eleni Ioannou.
If you’re interested in learning more about Famous Monsters or its conventions go to https://famousmonsters.com or https://www.famousmonstershalloween.com/
#TheExorcist, #Exorcist, #possession, #exorcism, #horror, #movies, #GeenaDavis, #AlanRuck, #NightoftheLivingDead, #GeorgeA.Romero, #TheLastExorcism, #EliRoth, #Deathwish, #BruceWillis, #CharlesBronson, #ThePunisher, #grindhouse, #IngloriousBastards, #IntheMouthofMadness, #SamNeill