Civil Society in Action: Part One

Season 1, Episode 13,   Aug 11, 2017, 09:28 AM

Episode image

To commemorate the three years since our search and rescue mission launched, the MOAS Podcast is going to explore wider civic action on the migration crisis.

To do this, the Podcast will be split into two parts. This first part looks at the different people and organisations working to support refugees and migrants.

We’re going to look at what inspired them to do something and what actions they took.

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Stay tuned for Part Two where we’ll be finding out about the kinds of problems that Civil Society Organisations encounter and how food can connect communities.

(Picture Credit: Abeera Atif, Giving Something Back To Berlin. all rights reserved)

Some links for the organisations included in this Podcast.

Refugee Aid Serbia: @RefAidSerbia @refugeeaidserbia

Giving Something Back to Berlin: @GSBTBerlin @GiveSomethingBackToBerlin!/

Migrant Women’s Association Malta

Spark 15: @Sparkfifteen

I’m Not A Refugee:

I’m not a refugee is finalist of the AMNESTY Medienpräis 2015, co-funded by Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (call for projects mateneen) and supported by Maison Moderne, media partner (

#civil #society #organisation #refugee #aid #serbia #distribution #grassroots #local #citizens #Balkans #route #adapt #needs #English #language #curriculum #resettlement #NGO #non #governmental #odyssey #project #Turkey #Vienna #Greece #Paris #Brussels #Germany #Annamaria #Olsson #GSBTB #giving #something #back #to #berlin #open #art #shelter #kitchen #integration #Damascus #PTSD #public #economic #empowerment #obstacles #women #association #malta #maltese #Umayma #Elamin #MWAM #Sudan #community #labour #market #cooking #jobs #project #spark #15 #MCAST #college #science #technology #Mohamed #Hassan #founding #members #education #youth #university #board #luxembourg #journalist #Frédérique #Buck #photographer #Sven #Becker #I’m #not #a #doctor #lawyer #stonemason #students #mothers #teachers #Syria #Iraq #Somalia #Eritrea #Palestine #status #book #integration #right #wing #extremism #Facebook #engagement #13 #podcast #episode #MOAS #migrant #offshore #aid #station #moaspodcast