
Jul 27, 2017, 12:20 PM

Episode image

Reimagined by Robert Gillespie.

"I chose the above sound, initially, because I found the phrase “musical decontamination” evocative and presented many intriguing possibilities when taken out of context. I used a hybrid structure of compound ternary and arch form (only loosely adhered to) for my reimagined piece and all of the sounds within it are derived from the original. These I looped, pitch sifted, reversed and variously processed with filters, flanger, phaser and vocoder. This was all done on hardware, I used no software on the track. The voices on the recording are in Spanish and not being able to speak Spanish, I was freed from language constraints and could use the sounds in a more onomatopoeic fashion. I set out to create a track that expressed my feelings associated with decontamination: dirty, dark, threatening, industrial, biological and radiological. The clicking of a Geiger counter, the organic moaning of something in pain."

Part of the Protest and Politics project - find out more at