Violent Response (Taiwan)

Jul 26, 2017, 01:02 PM

Episode image

Reimagined by Stuart Bowditch.

"I was originally drawn to the 'Non-violent protest' made my Tsan-Cheng Wu in Taipei City as it had a variety of sounds and perspectives within the one file. At the beginning, the action is further away, but by the end of the recording the voice on the megaphone is right next to you. Any initial ideas I had about using various bits of the recording vanished when I got a new pedal, the Meris Ottobit Jr. I made some short edits of various parts of the original, improvised with them using the Samplr iPad app running through the Ottobit, and then layered some of them together in Logic which formed my 'Violent Response'."

Part of the Protest and Politics project - find out more at