Songs That Make You Cry; Survey Time: Carter Edition: SHOWcast 07/20/2017
Good morning from #TheShowKC! Jen is obsessed with Shark Week and the Michael Phelps vs Great White Shark race. We have a plan to conduct a race of our very own....stay tuned! We are also obsessed with whether O.J. Simpson will be released from prison on parole. A rather childish response to Jen's Impossible Question...but Ronnie has the real scoop. We get into the names of drinks - why is it called a 7&7? What does it all mean? Alternate history shows are all the rage right now and the makers of Game of Thrones have a new one on deck right now. We get into the songs that make us cry - and as it turns out we have all sorts of songs and reasons why those make us tear up. We unveil our Joey (as shark) vs Listener competition for Luke Bryan tickets. Survey time again. This time Truta has the "Top Celebrities with the Last Name of Carter" thanks to Aaron Carter being arrested. Can't wait to see who wins. See you tomorrow!