Episode 87 - Why am I Mr. Pink?
Sign up for the BurgaBox Burger-of-the-Month Club using code word, “Labyrinth” https://www.burgabox.com/products/burgabox-of-the-month-club
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This week we catch up with Ira who spent Independence Day on one of Chris Christie's beaches down the shore in New Jersey. Tim & Jeff dined at Atlanta's One Eared Stag (Jeff, of course, had the Meatstick & Tim had a whole chicken). BurgaBox! Recapping Craig Gass, talking about our favorite shows, Steph's big heart for doggies, general stuff and a visit from The Red Box Troll.
Tim - Final season of The Strain (FX) http://deadline.com/2017/05/the-strain-july-premiere-date-fourth-final-season-fx-1202087633/amp/
Steph - Spike’s Car Radio (Podcast) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/spikes-car-radio/id1247694648?mt=2
Ira - St. Paula And the Broken Bones (Band) http://stpaulandthebrokenbones.com/
Jeff - Adam Ruins Everything Season 2 (TruTV) http://www.trutv.com/shows/adam-ruins-everything/index.html
Mary Todd's custom line of shampoo, pomades and beard oils are handmade using the finest ingredients, such as cucumber, licorice and bergamot, and produced locally. http://www.marytoddhairco.com/products
Wake up! Have a Banjo Cold Brew http://www.banjocoldbrew.com/
#BloodDrive #PreacherAMC #TourDePharmacy #Meatstick #Phish #WonderWoman #BabyDriver #Atlanta #AndySamberg #WillForte #MikeTyson #DannyGlover #OrlandoBloom #HBO #MayaRudolph #JeffGoldblum #AvondaleEstates #TennesseeAquarium #Arseface #Adolf #Max #JohnCusack #BurgaBox #Burgers #BurgerOfTheMonth #NewJersey #ChrisChristie #NoahTaylor #TheBigLebowski #Happiness #TheUsualSuspects #BloodSimple #CoenBrothers #AmericanSplendor #Rushmore #Pi #JackieBrown #WelcomeTotheDollhouse #BottleRocket #WesAnderson #Swingers #Seven #Se7en #TheCooler #Whiplash #BrokenFlowers #BillMurray #KillingThemSoftly #Clerks #KevinSmith #PulpFiction #ReservoirDogs #RequiemForADream #Heathers #Slacker #Secretary #AmericanBeauty #GlenGarryGlenross #Primer #BoilerRoom #CNN #Memes #WWE #DonaldTrump #Reddit