Episode #202: ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ 5x12, ‘Angel’ 2x12 – Vampires Don't Wear Chainmail

Mar 02, 2017, 06:00 PM

Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 12, "Checkpoint", Angel season 2, episode 12, "Blood Money."

Superfans: Karen and Maj
Newbies: Danielle and Kristen

Fun Facts:

Karen is excited to have Danielle over for a visit, Danielle tells stories of trying to get invited into Kristen and Karen's apartment, Kristen regales the podcast with tales of an epic Buffy/Angel drinking game, and Maj has begun dabbling in photography. Her first subject: the moon.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 12, "Checkpoint":
-Giles wants to punch himself a Watcher... or a whole council.
-Retroactive pay = awesome.
-Buffy vs. the Watchers Council
-Buffy's inferiority complex rears its ugly head.
-The Watcher's Council review is every time a female fangirl has had to prove her loyalty through recitation of basic facts (rolls eyes).
-Anya has no chill and we love her for it.
-Xander is NOT useless and we aren't here for the continued jokes about it.
-We've all been Matrix-ed. Dawn feels like a natural part of the show already.
-The Knights of Byzantium are kind of random. Don't they know that whole 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' thing?
-Glory is a god. What does this mean?!?!
-Are the Knights of Byzantium the key to defeating Glory?
-Spike and Buffy have harsh words, but she trusted him to protect Joyce and Dawn.
-Spike and Joyce watching Passions is everything.
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Angel season 2, episode 12, "Blood Money":
-The Angel-less Investigations team is still at work, even as they all definitely wish Angel was around to help.
-While Cordy, Wesley, and Gunn are doing their own thing, Angel is obsessing over yet another blonde.
-So, Anne is the same girl that we met on Buffy as Lily/Chanterelle.
-She's definitely a lot more self-assured now, though, especially sans Ricky tattoo.
-Merle is doing what Angel should be doing. Maybe he should offer his services to the Angel-less Investigations team?
-Why is Angel acting like this?
-Is Wolfram & Hart still the big bad we were afraid of last season? Lilah and Lindsay seem less threatening for sure.
-Boone: how significant is he?
-His integrity regarding not wanting to defeat Angel in the daylight reminded us of the Scooby-gang-not-killing-Spike discussion.
-Does Angel have that same integrity?
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Listener Feedback:
-One of our listeners had a Spike moment on a date.
-Another disagreed with our thoughts about Buffy's genuine, non-Slayer personality.
-And another gave us her thoughts on our discussion of Willow's "I'm gay now," line.

Kristen's Kontemplations/Danielle's Deliberations
Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 13, "Blood Ties"
Angel season 2, episode 13, "Happy Anniversary"

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