Episode #203: ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ 5x13, ‘Angel’ 2x13 – Leave Angel Out of This

Mar 05, 2017, 06:00 PM

Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 13, "Blood Ties", Angel season 2, episode 13, "Happy Anniversary."

Superfans: Natalie and Caitlin
Newbies: Brittany and Mitch

Fun Facts:
Mitch does not work at a certain place that does not give him free things. Brittany has a t-shirt, tote bag, and blanket problem. Natalie hopes that a new generation of fans rises from the ashes for all her favorite band shirts. What the hell was Glee? Was it real? Oh, right this is a Buffy podcast. Caitlin loves Gage. (More than us? Questionable.)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 13, "Blood Ties":
-We continue to talk about everything EXCEPT Buffy
-Everyone is weird about Dawn because they know the thing
-Spike's relationship with Spike blooms
-But only in a "niblet" sense
-Does the inclusion of Buffy and Dawn's dad change anything?
-Dawn and Spike find out that Dawn is the key!
-Dawn throws and appropriate tantrum
-Joyce tries to keep things normal, but nothing about this is normal
-Brittany says one nice thing about Buffy and changes things
-Mitch is pretty rough on Joyce (typical)
-Reminder that Dawn is a real person, she is made of her energy
-So what exactly is the "key"
-Ben is Glory? Glory is Ben! What?
-Can you be spoiled by knowing Greek mythology?
-Leave Angel out of this
-How bad can the magic that gets rid of Glory be? Apparently, pretty bad
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Angel season 2, episode 13, "Happy Anniversary":
-Some sad facts
-Lorne is back and a bit too cheery for the end of the world
-But Doom and Gloom Angel decides to help him
-Natalie gives us Lorne's legacy
-The Gentlemen 2.0
-Gene is awful
-What exactly can Lorne see?
-Brittany talks again about how much she loves miserable Angel/Angelus
-Natalie decides if she should go meet DB
-The new trio (and Virginia) are doing alright
-What will happen when Angel Investigation regains Angel?
-Can we burn Wolfram and Hart down this season?
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Listener Feedback:
-Umm, what did Gene actually do to get a lab space AND a grant?
-Spike even has fangirls who write papers on him in the show!

Brittany's Brainstorms/Mitch's Musings:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 14, "Crush"
Angel season 2, episode 14, "The Thing Dead Line"

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