BOE may pare its inflation expectations - Panmure Gordon

May 08, 2017, 11:16 AM

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Chief Economist, Simon French, tells Tip TV that the Bank of England may pare its inflation expectations slightly this Thursday owing to the weakness in the commodities, oil and strength in the GBP.

Key quotes:

China reflated its economy via monetary stimulus and weak Yuan - The sugar rush is now fading and that is weighing over the commodities and the equity markets

US congress is very hawkish on the deficit, hence Trump’s tax reform could be a watered down version of the original plan

Commodities are looking for their next leg higher. The revival partly depends on whether the OPEC extends its output cut deal for 6 months

Brexit is a sideshow for now. The focus is likely to be on Thursday’s UK data dump - industrial production, trade balance and the Bank of England’s (BOE’s) Quarterly Inflation Report (QIR)

#BOE, #centralbanks, #UK, #inflation, #indicator, #economy, #fundamentals, #macro, #markets, #investing, #trading