What are Le Pen’s odds of victory? – Tip TV

Apr 24, 2017, 09:51 AM

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Pro-European Emmanuel Macron is set to face far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in France's presidential run-off. The latest poll shows Mr. Macron is set to beat Ms Le Pen by 62 percent to 38 percent.

Will Le Pen be able to gather momentum ahead of the second round on May 7? Independent Market Analyst Matt Brown believes the odds of Le Pen are low… very, very low. Fillon supporters are seen voting for Macron and that would further hurt Le Pen’s odds, says Brown.

Presenter Zak Mir and Brown also discuss UK banks, Trump tax overhaul, Oanda Forex market sentiment chart, technical view on Russell 2000 and Gold and trade of the day.

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