Episode 35: Hey Jude

Apr 23, 2017, 10:56 PM

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  This time on SpeakBeasty: → "Long ago, the four hosts lived in harmony..." → The Phoenix Register: We have our Dumbledore! → Rogue One: A Graves Story? → "I want FULL Jude Law." → "BEARD HIM UP!"→ "Screw wands! Time for fisticuffs!"→ Dumbledore's queerness matters. → What will Dumbledore's timeline be like? → Dumbledore = Luke Skywalker? → "I loved you once. Now I don't. Prepare to die." → Will Aberforth show up in the series? → We're accidentally a Star Wars podcast today. → The Time-Turner: Gays in Paris! → Oscar Wilde and Dumbledore would be a great couple.→ The Newt Case: The phoenix! → Did Newt give Fawkes to Dumbledore? → Ewan McGregor should play Hedwig's grandma. PODCAST QUESTION: Jude Law as Dumbledore—beard or no beard? Tell us why or why not!