It's not all Brexit... what does the UK election mean for your money?

Apr 21, 2017, 01:19 PM

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Brexit this, Brexit that but what about the other stuff we need to worry about.

Britain soon gets to vote in another election and inevitably the campaigns surrounding it will be about Brexit.

Before you get bombarded with those, this week’s This is Money podcast looks at why Theresa May has even called another election and what that decision means for the economy, the pound and investors?

Yet this election should not just be about Brexit, there are other things to consider too. This is Money’s Simon Lambert and Lee Boyce, join Georgie Frost in the Share Radio studios to discuss what they might be.

So, if that canvasser rings the doorbell asking for your vote, we run through some of the things from the world of money that you may want to ask them about. (And if Simon’s MP Jeremy Corbyn does come round to ask for his vote, he promises to ask him these questions and report back on the replies.)

It’s not all about Brexit and it’s not just about then election though. This week, we also talk about why household debt is worrying the FCA and our banks, the secrets Lee uncovered behind the scenes at Costa coffee’s roaster and small cars for big people.

Find out everything you need to know about money this week and what it means for you by listening to the podcast. And if you like it please share it – and also leave us a review.