Direct Line: Manus Island and The Messenger

Apr 03, 2017, 12:16 AM

Episode image

Aziz, via Skype, with the audience (inset)

Abdul Aziz Muhamat – originally from Sudan, now a refugee detained on Manus – has been using a smuggled phone to give Australians a first-hand account of life in detention. Since March 2016, Aziz has been corresponding with Melbourne journalist Michael Green, using WhatsApp to relay voice messages. The Messenger is a ten-part podcast series from the Wheeler Centre and Behind the Wire – and the winning pitch in last year’s So You Think You Can Pod competition – and it’s based on their correspondence.

Hear directly from Aziz himself (appearing via Skype) at this discussion of life on Manus and the making of the podcast. He’s be joined by Behind the Wire’s Michael Green, psychologist and former Manus Island health worker John Zammit and Guardian correspondent Ben Doherty.

Hosted by ABC 7.30 reporter (and Wheeler Centre Question Time anchor) Madeleine Morris.

Listen to The Messenger

  Podcast episode

1 Aziz, Not a Boat Number  /  Migration

  Podcast episode

2 I Need to Format My Memory  /  Migration

  Podcast episode

3 I Have Got Some People Waiting For Me  /  Migration

  Podcast episode

4 Today I’m Really Smiling  /  Migration

  Podcast episode

5 A Safer Place  /  Migration

John Zammit and Michael Green (front) with Abdul Aziz Muhamat (via Skype) — Photo: Jon Tjhia

Madeleine Morris, Ben Doherty, John Zammit, Michael Green and Abdul Aziz Muhamat take audience questions — Photo: Jon Tjhia