'Re-usable Rocket' Success for SpaceX

Mar 31, 2017, 12:00 AM

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Elon Musk's SpaceX venture has just made history by re-launching part of a rocket - but that's not all. This week he's also launched a mission to integrate computers directly with the human brain and his car company Tesla attracted significant Chinese investment. It's stock market value is edging up to around that of Ford. To find out why, we ask electric car analyst and Elon Musk watcher, Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield.

After a spate of exploding phones and in the midst of a high level corruption scandal, Samsung brings it's newest smartphone to the market. Is the Galaxy S8 the most important product launch ever for South Korea's tech giant?

And at the London Games Festival, we meet Ken Levine, creator of BioShock and a titan of the videogames world.

Rory Cellan-Jones is joined throughout the programme by BBC tech reporter, Jane Wakefield and special guest, Jonathan Margolis, technology journalist and gadget guru.

(Photo: SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket lifts off at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. Credit: Bruce Weaver/AFP/Getty Images)