Kyle Wiens: Right to Repair

Mar 21, 2017, 10:11 AM

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Join the world’s most influential maintenance man for a discussion of tech waste, consumption, economic opportunity and a new kind of DIY revolution with tech commentator and radio broadcaster Vanessa Toholka.

Kyle Wiens and volunteer Leo

‘When you fix something – just for a moment – entropy loses its iron grip on the universe,’ Kyle Wiens has written. ‘When you fix something – just for a moment – you’re the victor.’

Wiens is a consumer activist and the CEO of iFixit, an online repair community. A crusader against planned obsolescence, he believes in the power to unlock, modify, repair and increase the lifespan of everything you own – from your car to your iphone. At iFixit he’s overseen open-source repair instructions in 11 languages, enabling millions of people to do exactly that. He’s also a prolific writer, who has argued persuasively that maintenance and ‘remanufacturing’ represent areas of enormous opportunity within a broken economic system.