Brass'Art digital cafe in Molenbeek

Mar 17, 2017, 08:18 PM

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Molenbeek is blossoming with various initiatives in the wake of the bashing the borough underwent after the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks of late 2015 and early 2016. Brass'Art Digitaal Café is one of those initiatives. This project is taking three buildings, two of which have notorious pasts, (one was the site of a "sleep merchant"'s exploitation of destitute people and another was the residence of the Abdelslam brothers) and turning them into a community asset. There will be three spaces, a brewery café, called Brass'Art, where people can hang out, drink something and listen to music or enjoy a performance, Ranc'Art which will be a space for meeting and discussing, and Débrouill'Art which will be a space for training workshops (rancart being the French word for a date, and a débrouillard being a resourceful person). Sanae Jamaï, cofounder with Mohamed Ouachen, tells us about the project. Brass'Art Café Digitaal opens 22 March 19.00