BBCrLondon 28.2.17 - Jim Gamble saying 'no one (in Govt) is listening' to the child protection experts

Feb 28, 2017, 11:38 AM

Episode image

Mr Gamble contributed to the programme in response to the headline : 'Police chief calls for paedophiles who view child abuse images to be spared prosecution as officers 'can't cope' with. of reports'

Mr Gamble did not support this approach.

He continued with this important contribution that we recognise. The DBS was significantly weakened by the demolition of Section 5 during the passage of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. It's value is now very limited for even more reasons than were mentioned by Mr Gamble.

He completes his contribution by informing the listener that in Government - No one is listening. We agree. Government's approach is driven by money - not the protection of children.