Feb 13, 2017, 08:18 AM

With great pride Share Talk have organised an Innovative Investors Event in Cardiff on the evening 18th February 2017. Visionary businesswoman, Elizabeth Gooch MBE, founded EG Consulting in 1988, will be presenting to provide practical tools and methodologies from manufacturing to improve back office operations. Now known as EG Solutions, EGS' Business Optimisation solutions have over 100,000 users globally and we are delighted that #EGS are one of the innovative companies presenting on the night. Places are limited, so please book your tickets now.

Following the release of EGS' Trading Update this morning, Share Talk took the opportunity to speak with EG Solutions' CEO Elizabeth Gooch MBE. We discussed their record revenues and the catalyst behind it, the core values and ethos of the company. Elizabeth spoke about the opportunities going forward for EGS and the (not too often talked about) built-in currency hedge that the company has, because of its global offering and globally diverse customers.

Elizabeth also explained what attendees of the innovative companies investor event in Cardiff can look forward to, with regards to EGS' presentation. Elizabeth will be covering Business Optimisation as well as explaining the company's investment potential. So that you can gain further information from her, Elizabeth will be available for Q&A during our Cardiff event.

Listen now to Elizabeth Gooch MBE CEO of EG Solutions speaking about EGS' record revenues trading update and also a taster of what the future of Business Optimisation has to offer.