r4today 27/1/17 Shaun Harvey of EFL on child protection policies in football. Hope trumps reality.

Jan 27, 2017, 10:03 AM

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Shaun Harvey makes a few good points and is refreshingly realistic until he suggests that football is in a very 'different place' and child protection policies can be robust.
What Shaun Harvey and many in positions of authority within settings that are defined as Regulated Activities' fail to realise is that, the so termed 'statutory framework' does not permit 'robust' child protection to be delivered because there is no law requiring anyone to report known or suspected abuse. To repeat, there is no law requiring anyone to report even witnessed abuse of a child in a football club. This non-existence of law undermines the ability of staff working in teaching, healthcare, scouts, faith settings, sport and similar settings, from delivering child protection on which reliance can be placed.

This explains : https://goo.gl/pEbq9L

Did the EFL make a submission to the consultation in the link? It might evidence the EFL's determination to keep children safe.