Via Crucis

Jan 14, 2017, 03:37 PM

Episode image

Part of the Sacred Spaces project - find out more at

Reimagined by Richard Watts.

"I use Logic Pro X to do my composing and recording. I started the piece with a loop of the background sound put through a Ringshift modulator plugin and a distortion plugin in Logic. I then added a pad sound and a couple of guitar parts. The voices and child laughing are taken from the original recording and added as samples to the Alchemy synth plugin (some have been reversed). The drum beat that starts half way through is produced from samples of the high heeled shoe sound in the original recording.

This piece seemed to evolve on it’s own though I wanted a sense of the journey in the original recording. As St Jakobi was consecrated as a church of seafarers and fishermen I also wanted some reference to the sea so used a flowing modulation on the background sound."