The Orphans :: Community Update and Fan Q&A

Jan 12, 2017, 12:00 AM

Last year, The Orphans took you on a cinematic audio adventures as the castaways of downed starship fought for their survival on an unknown world. Seven episodes, one cinematic season, and an ending that opened up a world of possibilities. But what comes next?

Join Zachary Fortais-Gomm, the Creator of The Orphans, and James Barbarossa , the voice of GeoFFRy for an update on the future of the series, current activities of the cast, insight into the turbulent world of independent audio drama production, and tease some upcoming behind-the-scenes content to help tide you over. But that's not all, this update also plays host a fan questions - your Orphan inquires will be answered!

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: