Rhonda Willoughby on Food for the Sole

Jan 08, 2017, 09:10 AM

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RhonDa Willoughby was in studio with Brenda Drumm to talk about 'Food for the Sole' - the cookbook with a difference!

Leprosy still exists in some parts of the world and particularly in India.

For the last two years we have been running our ‘Good for the Sole’ project in partnership with Leprosy Mission. We have raised €25,000 to buy sandals, made out of recycled tyres. Sandals help protect the feet of those who suffer from leprosy in India. We are moving into the second phase of our project - to raise money for foot surgery.

For some people the sandals come too late and their feet are already badly damaged. Foot surgery costs €50, which includes medical care, hospital stay and aftercare. This surgery gives a leprosy sufferer a new lease of life, and again, means that they can work and earn a living. 5 cookbooks will provide one life changing operation. Extend your recipe bank and change someone’s life!

Copies are €10 / £10 + post & package.

To order your copy email foodforthesole2016@gmail.com Or visit: www.meathandkildare.org

About the author

Rhonda Willoughby lives in Naas with her husband Tim and daughter Christina. She is passionate about food and cookery with over 10 years experience in the food industry. Rhonda has previously written the food column for Living It magazine and worked on a celebrity cookbook Rite Ingredients for the charity I.S.A.N.D.S. She believes everyone can cook and start at any age – the best thing about cookery is that all your experiments are edible!

This interview was broadcast on Kfm on Sunday 8 January 2017.