Everybody Has a Craydar - Ep 68

Dec 08, 2016, 01:00 PM

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I decided to pull unused footage that I couldn’t quite make into a story line by itself, but it most definitely qualifies as part of the 2016 50 shades of cray cray roundup.   It was hard to narrow this down this list to five cray cray moments and lessons from the Keep it 100 Girl on keeping it 100 in 2017.  So I sprinkled in some one-liners and punchlines inbetween.   ARE YOU READY?   JOIN THE CONVERSATION Tweet or connect with me@ninababel on Twitter, Snapchat, and IG, or join the Keep it 100 FB page.  Contact Me   Let me know you listened. Leave a comment on the blog, send me an email,to feedback@ninababel.com, or an audio comment to 240-232-2928.   Review the Show Did you enjoy this episode? Leave a rating and review of the show in iTunes.    Subscribe on iTunes If you like this podcast, subscribe on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and Soundcloud.   Keep it 100.   Have a good weekend.   Smooches.