11/18/2016 The Joel Blank Show Hour 3
The last hour begins with Joel discussing the Houston Rockets win last night against Portland Trail Blazers and what Joel, Barry, and Keenan believe this will mean the Rockets as a team, and what they see happening in future games. The hour ends with Joel, Barry, and Keenan talking about Friday’s usual, “Nick Picks,” where they discuss the upcoming games between the Baltimore Ravens vs. the Dallas Cowboys, the Philadelphia Eagles vs. the Seattle Seahawks, the Green Bay Packers vs. the Washington Redskins, and the Arizona Cardinals vs. the Minnesota Vikings. #HoustonRockets #PortlandTrailBlazers #NBA #BaltimoreRavens #DallasCowboys #PhiladelphiaEagles #SeattleSeahawks #GreenBayPackers #WashingtonRedskins #ArizonaCardinals #MinnesotaVikings