r4today 18/11/16 Saunders of @NAPAC + VSCP talks of 'disgruntled people' leaving IICSA. Does this incl Shirley Oaks?

Nov 18, 2016, 09:18 AM

Episode image

A repeat of the 'nothing to see here' routine from a seemingly 'captured' member of the VSCP who simply cannot resist microphones. Having been 'released' from the Vatican Commission for the protection of minors, perhaps for speaking critically of that church, Mr Saunders gushes nothing but good news about IICSA to anyone who will listen. Similar behaviour exists in school governors subsumed by 'groupthink.'

Is Mr Saunders advocating for abusees in this inquiry? That is for you to judge from this recording and others on this site, as well as from all the other coverage available on the web. What can be said with some certainty is that while Mr Saunders continues to liberally dispense 'cheerleader' opinion formed from his involvement with a panel that functions at the margins of the inquiry, he provides IICSA with every excuse to provide no one to speak from its centre.