What will President Trump mean for you?

Nov 11, 2016, 04:43 PM

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The Simpsons predicted it but did you? Donald Trump will be the next president of the US after his election win this week - something many thought was impossible. But just how much of a part did economic dissatisfaction among those who feel left behind by a wealthy elite play in this? Did that wealthy elite spend too long ignoring ordinary hard-working families concerns and telling them they knew what was best? Why didn't the other side realise and do something that would have stopped the White House keys going to the most controversial president-elect ever? And what on earth does President Trump mean for the US economy and for the finances of us Britons on the other side of the Atlantic? Simon Lambert and Sarah Davidson, of This is Money, join Georgie Frost in the Share Radio studio for the weekly This is Money podcast to answer these questions and more. And it's not all Trump. We also get an update on Simon's will-writing adventure - where he promised to finally sort one out and explain what you need to think about, and talk about why mess can make you a success, what next for Tesco Bank and customers after its 21st century bank robbery and check up on some high street shopping giants. And finally, you know all that Toblerone fuss: want to know if it really does look that silly, or whether it tastes or feels different? We've got a new wide-valleyed bar in the studio, ready to test.