Pay what you like at the Brixton Pound Cafe.

Oct 17, 2016, 09:13 AM

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The cafe is probably only one of its kind in South London – you pay what you feel the meal or drink is worth. There is a recommended starting price and coffee starts at £1.

It’s a strange concept for someone like Delores who has only ever frequented cafes or eateries where there are set prices.

She had been outraged a few days before after being charged quite a bit (for her) of money for a small cup of coffee. So let’s see if she is brave enough to really pay what she thinks the coffee or meal is worth.

She met up with B£ general manager Tom Shakhli. He was good enough to let her interrupt and record him while serving in the busy lunch hour. Listen to her story and see how it all works out. #brixtonblog.