Lib Dems win council by-election in Culloden & Ardersier

Oct 07, 2016, 02:24 PM

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The Liberal Democrats held off the SNP to take a seat from Labour on Highland Council (Culloden & Ardersier) in a by-election following the death of a Labour councillor.

Labour suffered a swingeing defeat, drawing just 163 first-preference votes.

Although the Scottish Nationalists topped the first-preference votes, the outcome was decided in favour of the Lib Dems on transfers after a recount of the seventh and final stage of counting under the single transferable vote (STV) system.

First-preference voting was: SNP 753, LD 463, C 439, Ind Ross 315, Ind Macpherson 274, Green 180, Lab 163, Ind McGrath 158, Ind Lamont 23.

Trish Robertson's been speaking to MFR News: