Episode 27 :: Rogue Friday

Oct 03, 2016, 12:00 AM

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State of the Empire is Nerdy Show’s Star Wars speculation podcast where we “look for news in Alderaan places”.

If you've been raving like a rathtar for Rogue One merch, your day has come! Last year we had Force Friday, this year it's Rogue Friday - a time of midnight releases, swarms of fans, and a mad dash for the latest action figures etc. Or is it...?

No, this year's Star Wars shopping spree was much more subdued - not just in turnout, but also in plot insights that could be gleaned new products. That's not stopping State of the Empire though! Join Cap, Matt, Doug, and Rex as we relentlessly dig through box art details, minifig pairings, and other minutia that might reveal the secrets of the most mysterious Star Wars release to date. We discuss the latest from Billy Dee Williams on the potential re-casting of Lando and dust off an interview with the man himself from the Nerdy Show archives. But that's not all, hear what the InteracTech Stormtrooper has to say for himself, new casting news, remember the sacrifice of Constable Zuvio, and if you're brave enough to venture behind the blast doors, we've got some interesting details about Episode VIII.

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: http://nerdyshow.com/2016/10/state-of-the-empire-episode-27-rogue-friday